
5 Yoga Poses To Start Your Day Off Right!

Starting your day off with a good positive vibe can change the entire trajectory of your day. Having a clear mind and a positive outlook will allow you to make better more informed decisions. Even when faced with difficult tasks, your reaction will be different , because you see things from a place of possibility and not defeat.

There are many stretches that will help you start the day and make you feel better. It is best to modify stretches until you are capable of performing each stretch without straining. I do each of these stretches for 30 seconds to a minute, and add in other stretches to get a full ten minutes of stretching.

1. Child’s pose:
This stretch helps relieve tension in the shoulders, back, and chest. It is noted that doing this stretch will help with lower back pain and is recommended for dealing with dizziness and/or fatigue.

2. The Cat-Cow pose:
This stretch duo is known to improve posture, balance, coordination. They stretch the back, neck, hips, and abdomen. Some suggest it creates emotional balance as well as relieve stress.

3. Corpse pose:
This is more of a mental stretch. By lying still with your body slightly stretched out you are lowering your blood pressure by relaxing the body. In this position your brain is calm and this is known to help combat fatigue, headaches, and insomnia.

4. Extended Triangle Pose:
This is a good hamstring stretch, especially before doing any strength exercising, or intense walking and/or jogging. This stretch also helps stretch the hips, groins, and chest. Doing this daily can help with lower back pain and sluggish digestion.

5. Legs up the wall pose:
This may be my favorite way to relieve stress. This stretches your legs, lower back, and pelvic floor. Doing this stretch will help increase circulation because your heart does not work as hard. This will also soothe swollen feet, ankles, and cramped legs.

There is no medical fact that states stretching will keep depression or stress away, but stretching will help you feel better physically and mentally, if done properly. Just like going to the bathroom in the morning, you have to make this part of you life. You can even do these before you get out of the bed! You know me, easy peezy! 😍 Give yourself 10 minutes of mental health time. Believe me it will pay off big!

Have you ever tried yoga? Let me know what’s your favorite stretches?

As always, Peace & Love

The Fit Phatty

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