
Know The Edge- How I Got Over Thining Edges

Girl, I lost my edges! Well not all, but my hair was really thinning out, like most women of color, I pride myself on laid edges and a good ponytail. But if those edges thin out, that ponytail ain’t so laid. I’d come to face these two identical thinning spots on both sides of my head, as a sign of the times. By times, I mean getting older. So, I tried to work around this now problematic area, I wore less ponytails, and when wearing a ponytail, I ensured it was not pulled too tightly or too low. But this wasn’t enough! I was losing strands and it was too noticeable to me!

I do not wear many protective styles, (not that I am against them), so besides a ponytail, my hair is never pulled tightly. I am a very proud LAZY natural, meaning, I typically do the least amount of work to take care of natural hair. My main goal is always healthy hair. I do not venture out and try a lot of different products, I know what works and usually stick with that, and if I try something new it’s usually in the same family. I stick to Leave in’s, oils, and cream. The LOC method guarantees healthy, hydrated hair.

But, recently some hair has begun sprouting in those thin spots! *Praise break*! So, I looked back over the past three years and I noticed a trend, I was STRESSED and it showed in my hair. In my last post, I discussed my bout of mild depression, and how I began to feel better with exercise. But, I had no clue the toll my hair would pay. Never the less, I am glad that the fight isn’t over and I AM NOT LOSING MY HAIR! This transition into new hair on my edges inspired me to help you with struggle edges, if you ever find yourself in my shoes, whether it is from stress, tight protective styles, weight loss surgery, etc. I am here for you:


  1. Oil and Stimulation

I live by Olive Oil . It’s good for your hair and to eat! So, it’s a two for one special in my house, I purchase the biggest bottles usually from Costco. I always rub olive oil throughout my hair, but during these crucial times, I rub a good amount on my edges and give my scalp a gentle massage. Stimulation promotes growth by getting the blood circulation going! So, this should be a weekly practice all over your head.

  1. Limit stress

Tune out the noise. Life can be a whirlwind of emotions and sometimes that roller coaster takes us on a drop we never expected. But, we have the power to limit stressers. Avoid bringing your work life into your home space, meditate and pray, pick up yoga , write it out. Whatever works, but we must release that negative energy!

  1. Drink Water

I can not stress it enough how important it is to drink water. It’s great for your hair, skin, and health. God put it here for a reason, so I trust His judgement!

  1. Protect your hair

    71-80 Ten protective style tips

When wearing a protective style, your main concern should always be your hair health. Before styling, properly wash, condition, and LOC it up. If braiding, be sure to tell your stylist to make sure not to pull on your edges, nape or scalp too tightly. Also avoid tight or low ponytails

Of course, you should always take precaution when it comes to hair health, but remember what goes on in the inside will always affect the outside! Don’t let stress claim your edges or time! Keep it cute!


-The Fit Fatty

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