
How Exercise Can Help You Get Out Of You Grey Zone: Combat Depression

We are often only taught about major depression.  That identifiable grey cloud that follows you everywhere you go. You know the heavy feeling in your arms and legs. Or the dark not wanting to get out of bed or can’t face the world type. But there are several other types of depression some of them are more mild but they still have an affect on your life.

Mayo Clinic defines depression as: A mood disorder that causes a persistent feeling of sadness and loss of interest.


About 2 percent of the American population has a form of depression that’s less severe than major depression, but is still very real. It’s called dysthymia.


Dysthymia is a type of depression that causes a low mood over a long period of time. It may last for a year or more. Most sufferers perform normally but just not optimally. Symptoms include sadness, trouble concentrating, fatigue, and changes in sleep habits and appetite.


This type of depression nearly  ruined my relationship. I went through a spell of depression for about  a year. But here’s the kicker – I had no idea I was depressed. The truth is, it just seeps in and becomes a part of you, before  you even know it. I didn’t feel sad or blue all the time, I was not crying uncontrollably, I didn’t miss milestones, nor fight myself to get out of bed. So how could I know that I was depressed? It wasn’t until I was on the other side of it that I realized what I had been delivered from. I started to realize that I hadn’t been myself.

While I was going through it, of course I could not see the effect that depression had on my relationship. Neither of us had any idea that I was suffering from depression, yet I was not myself and in return we were not who we once were.


Depression has left some residual effects, with many pieces to clean up, but one thing that has helped me is exercising. I began exercising for weight loss and eventually I realized without losing a significant amount of weight, that I was feeling much  better. Cardio always left me more energized and happier, but strength training is just a necessary evil (lol).


Although exercise was my catalyst to launch me out of the grey zone. Here are some other tips and ticks that can help to feed your soul:


  1. Unplug– Sometimes you just have to take a some time and let yourself destress from everyone. As a mom this isn’t always easy but you have to put yourself first so you can come back whole for everyone instead of giving them your half ass self.
  2. Day Dream– Allow yourself to remember the things you love and why. Imagine the possibilities of abundance God has for you. Create the biggest grandest vision of your life, and believe it’s available to you.
  3. Forget Perfect- This alone is freeing. Done is so much better than perfect, as long as you do the best you can do, allow yourself to be proud of your accomplishments. Remind yourself of your own natural  flawlessness and check out our post Born Flawless: Embrace Your Normal!
  4. Call A Friend- You can’t underestimate the effect a sound voice will have on your soul. Call a good friend that you can have a laugh with.
  5. Focus On A Hobby- Just the pleasure of doing something you love. Or learning something new will feed your body good vibes.
  6. Meditate- Sometimes I just do a quick 5 minute guided meditation. I pull one up on YouTube and lay down and breath.
  7. Get Moving- Even if you don’t have a gym membership, or have an hour to dedicate to a workout routine. Give yourself ten minutes and just dance or check out our post on 5 Yoga Poses To Get Your Day Going Right!


I’d stopped exercising for nearly a year and I noticed that I didn’t always feel as good, as I used too. But now that I am back at it, I realized the most important benefit of my exercise routine is my mental strength.

One additional benefit of the added energy is a renewed optimism to rebuild my life. So sometimes, depression isn’t ugly, it’s just not pretty. Don’t get stuck in the grey zone.


We’d love to hear some of your tips to helps stay out of the grey zone!


As always Love from The Fit Phatty


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